Selasa, 27 Februari 2018


SELFLLERY – Inovasi Foto Monetisasi

SELFLLERY adalah platform sosial multifungsi bagi pengguna platform untuk menerima penghargaan kripto untuk kegiatan sosial yang berkaitan dengan publikasi dan distribusi konten visual. Konsep dan versi produk awalnya dirancang pada awal 2016. Token ERC20 dibangun di atas blokade Ethereal sebagai sistem penghargaan SELFLLERY.
Platform media sosial adalah saluran utama untuk menerbitkan dan mempromosikan foto digital, sementara pada saat bersamaan, merupakan salah satu sumber lalu lintas Internet bagi pengiklan. Oleh karena itu, biaya pemasaran media sosial adalah bagian yang signifikan dari keseluruhan pengeluaran pemasaran di perusahaan. Pangsa belanja media sosial dalam anggaran pemasaran diperkirakan meningkat sebesar 9,8% menjadi 18,5% dibandingkan tahun berikutnya

Ini adalah nilai untuk dicatat bahwa layanan berbagi gambar Instagram yang disukai adalah di antara dua puluh sumber daya web yang paling banyak dikunjungi di dunia dan dikaitkan dengan 800 juta pengguna.
Pada Agustus 2017, jumlah pengguna layanan harian adalah 375 juta, yaitu seratus dua puluh lima juta lebih banyak dari tahun sebelumnya. Grafik di bawah ini menunjukkan peningkatan pengguna variasi Instagram secara bulanan (dalam jutaan).


Selfllery memungkinkan orang untuk membuat konten visual mereka benar-benar dapat diandalkan
Tujuan Selfllery adalah untuk menciptakan sebuah Associate in Nursing Design yang:
  1. Memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendekriminalisasikan foto, video, dan aliran langsung mereka dengan cara yang sangat gamified;
  2. Dukung organisasi amal dan berikan sumbangan sederhana kepada pengguna;
  3. Berikan perusahaan alat promosi yang mudah digunakan dan efektif yang melibatkan
    foto pengguna;
  4. Memperluas pasar konten gambar dan video untuk layanan korporat dan berita, dengan fungsi pencarian yang mudah digunakan.
  5. Mengintegrasikan teknologi modis dan kemampuan blockchain ke
    pasar fotografi digital , meningkatkan transparansi dan keamanan transaksinya.


Tema token token token bergantung pada jenis kepemilikan
Bila unit area token Anda ada di tangan oleh pengguna Selesai Selfllery:
  1. Unit area token Anda dihasilkan di seluruh TGE
  2. Pengguna mendapatkan token ANDA di TGE atau di pasar terbuka (setelah TGE berakhir).
3. Pengguna menggunakan token ANDA untuk membeli opsi Selfllery tambahan, untuk membeli
barang dagangan khusus di pasar Selfllery dan foto pengguna yang berbeda di
galeri saham, dan tambahan untuk amal
4. Setelah pengguna membeli opsi SelfLove tambahan, unit token token Anda ditransfer ke Selfllery dan didistribusikan menurut pengaturan saat ini untuk platform pengembangan Selfllery. Begitu pengguna mendapatkan galeri foto pengguna atau barang dagangan yang berbeda di pasar, unit area token Anda dipindahkan dari pembeli ke penjual di luar biaya Selfllery.
Saat token ANDA ada di tangan oleh pengiklan Selfllery:
  1. Unit area token Anda dihasilkan di seluruh TGE;
  2. Pengiklan mendapatkan token ANDA di TGE atau di pasar terbuka (setelah TGE berakhir);
  3. Pengiklan menggunakan token ANDA untuk membeli iklan bertarget dalam Selfllery;
  4. Token Anda (tidak termasuk biaya Selfllery) yang diterima dari unit pengiklan dibagi di antara semua pengguna Selfllery sesuai dengan volume Likes dan rating pengguna saat ini;
  5. Selain membayar TOU untuk iklan bertarget, pengiklan akan memberi hadiah token hadiah bagi pengguna yang memenangkan kontes pic atau foto promosi penuh.
  6. Bendera token Anda terbatas Setiap hari, pada saat yang tepat, Selfllery mendistribusikan dana penghargaan harian di antara semua pengguna yang telah menerima Suka pada hari perhitungan.
  7. Unit token token Anda didistribusikan di antara semua pengguna ActiveLore, karena mereka adalah unit penyumbang dari area selfllery, dan bukan hanya mereka yang beriklan.
  8. Banyak individu menggunakan Selfllery, yang sangat berharga dibawa ke peron. Oleh karena itu setiap pengguna WHO menerima Like, layak mendapat bequest.
  9. Untuk menghindari kecurangan, variasi keseluruhan per hari suka untuk satu pengguna terbatas


Token Anda dapat dibeli melalui Bitcoin (BTC) atau Ethereal (ETH):
  • 10 000
    Tujuan Minimum ETH
    (soft cap)
  • 55.000 ETH
    Tujuan Maksimum
    (hard cap)

Jumlah pembelian minimum: 0,1 ETH

TGE akan memiliki dua tahap:
penjualan pra-penjualan dan penjualan utama. Pada tahap pra-penjualan, token ANDA ditawarkan kepada pembeli yang masuk daftar putih, sementara selama tahap penjualan utama dapat dibeli oleh siapa saja.
  • Tahap 1: $ 200.000, bonus 25%, jadwal vesting 50 hari
  • Tahap 2: $ 300.000, bonus 20%, jadwal vesting 40 hari
  • Tahap 3: $ 500.000, bonus 15%, jadwal vesting 30 hari



Motti meraih gelar MBA di bidang Finance and Marketing dari Manchester University.
Sebagai Co-CEO Blonde 2.0, dia bertanggung jawab untuk menangani
Aspek Publik mengenai hubungan, strategi dan manajemen krisis. Ia menjabat sebagai Chief
Instructor di LOTAR the IDF’s School for Anti Terrorism. Ia juga merupakan mentor dan dosen program Executive MBA Tel Aviv University, Michlelet Afeka, dan program kewirausahaan IDC. Motti adalah anggota dewan direksi di Pusat Taub. Forbes menyebut Motti sebagai salah satu “Movers and Shaker” dari Startup Nation.

Nazar Polyvka:

Nazar Polyvka adalah ahli dalam nasihat hukum. Dia adalah co-founder
Axon.Partners, firma hukum yang melayani bisnis teknokratis. Dia mengkhususkan diri pada teknologi tinggi, kekayaan intelektual, investasi bisnis, mata uang elektronik dan kripto, e-commerce dan media. Nazar meraih gelar Master of Law Science dari NaUKMA (Universitas Nasional Indonesia) dan (Akademi Kyiv-Mohyla). Pengalaman profesionalnya terbentuk saat bekerja dengan perusahaan seperti Foyil, Arzinger, KM Partners dan PT Juscutum. Nazar dan timnya di Axon.Partners memberikan nasehat hukum kepada ICO Project seperti: TAAS Fund, DMarket, DreamTeam, DAO.Casino, Oracles Network, Hacken dan lain-lain.

Roman Kravchenko:

Roman Kravchenko adalah ahli blokir yang menempatkan dirinya sebagai Penginjil CryptoDiaspora. Dia suka bepergian dan berbagi pengalamannya sebagai pembicara pada konferensi tematik di seluruh dunia. Alma mater adalah Universitas Nasional Donetsk, di mana ia memperoleh gelar Master di bidang Ekonomi Sibernetika. Pengalaman profesional: Asisten Departemen “Matematika Terapan dan Informatika”, Chief Technology Officer di Agri Eye, Manajer Proyek di ITC R & D, Chief Technology Officer di Remme and


  1. Dapatkan Visualisasi Konten ico
  2. Monetisasi Kegiatan Sosial ico
  3. Stok foto Ico Peron
  4. Pasar ico
  5. Platform amal Ico
  6. Foto-Quests & Kontes


dipublikasikan oleh: Kontolq_Abo
My ETH: 0xb7742Bb562b6acf9FAfAFFf3368D37972F671959

Senin, 26 Februari 2018


Realtycoin International Real Estatescrowdfunding

REALTYCOIN is a new project from a company that’s been long standing and has been famous with their headquarters in santiago, Chile. Realtycoin trying memanfa’atkan blockchain popularity and created for the purpose of the RTC coin buying property at the lowest price all over the world and after that they will sell it at a price that high. with that kind of transaction then the profits obtained from such transactions could be ascertained.

We make these coins with the intention of buying real estate with a low price and then sell them at a higher price and then get a nice profit. 10% of these benefits will be shared with our investors. We are also currently in the process of arranging a deal with builders and other companies related to real estate to receive original coins as payment option. Realtycoin aims to be the number one coin to buy and sell real estate from all over the world.
The RealityCoin is a new product from a new company was founded, called Inversiones Derezunsky SpA. Company tax ID is 76.797.127-3 and located in Santiago, Chile. We launched our project and issued coins RTC with a purpose
buy real estate with the lowest prices around the world and then sell them a higher price, so get a lot of advantages to it. What we are trying to create, the chain, where we will deploy 10% profit from any deal with our investors. In addition, we can guarantee the payment options that will be accepted by the company’s builders and real estate agents.
We want you to be a part of this business, so You can be your real estate agent for your own
even without much effort. So if you have seen or found
real estate business opportunities are good, you can win with us too
It doesn’t matter where you are or where the real estate is located, we will buy it all over the world.
Realtycoin is a new product from a new company established the so-called inversiones Derezunsky SpA. by the account of corporate tax 76.797.127 – 3 is the city of santiago, Chile. Realtycoin make a project and by leveraging the popularity of blockchain and created the RTC coins to buy real estate at the lowest price around the world. and after that sell higher. So get a lot of benefits. That’s a prospect we will make by giving a 10% profit for investors from each deal. Additionally Realtycoin can also guarantee payment options that will be accepted by the real estate developer and real estate agents. Realtycoin want to be a part of this business. so we should be able to become a real estate agent for ourselves without having to work hard. This is certainly an opportunity. If you’ve found the bright side of business investment by joining Realtycoin. because Realtycoin will always be with us wherever we are.
Often our minds appear tough questions answered, what kind of real estate what we will find. We must see the opportunities of jelly. where the State of the disa’at increasingly difficult. and the urgency of the need, where they sold their properties to meet their needs. But if you are faced with a position. You do not need to be confused Realtycoin make this a great opportunity to have the kind of real estate.
A quick review of the Token RTC
Be aware of one of the concerns that surround the crypto World Disorder is very unstable and not predictable at all. but not to worry because with Realtycoin we could invest in one of the most solid asset which never existed in the world of real estate in particular. We could be one of the business partner properties. because Realtycoin always try to buy property at the lowest price and resell it at a high price to the customer. with the system for the results of this real estate business. Realtycoin create coins guaranteed as either the main payment instruments in the purchase or sale of real estate around the world.
Realtycoin is a crypto provides many benefits and can be proved by an interdisciplinary team of quality Realtycoin. supported by people who are experts in their field. such as law, finance, computer design, marketing and many others. By investing in the Realtycoin you will not find a problem like investing with conventional way like that. You are not faced with the minimum amount of investment, ownership of a credit card, your personal data dibank rating, or other. With an investment of Realtycoinbe easy, we can do wherever we are, with only requires an internet connection. then the passive income from business investment in real estate we can get. with headquarters in Chile. regarded as the best and most strategic because Chile is one of the most transparent and free of corruption. Realtycoin is a decentralized blockchain crypto standards with the discerning contract ethereum. Realtycoin team believe that Crypto is coin a new era in the real estate business. Realtycoin evolved to solve the limitations of individuals in investing in property. with a solid investment. Realtycoin aims to increase real estate markets globally. that is expected to touch 200 trillion dollars more. Realtycoin invest greatly in Chile’s highly desirable assets. slowly this project will soon be growing around the world. with contributions from investors. acquiring property at low prices and sell them at a high price in order to get a big advantage is the main target of Realtycoin became part of investor Realtycoin. Realtycoin will continue to work optimally for recorded on various crypto sesa’at Exchange escalation after the program
RealtyCoin creates a decentralized economic system, without edges and limitations that allow you to invest from anywhere in the world.
Everyone will have an equal voice in the form of votes for which properties must be rented, sold, rebuilt or demolished. The amount of money you wish to invest depends on you, even though a small investment will bring you profits proportionally. There is no bank that is involved in the entire process because all the money obtained from investors.
RTC is a symbol and token 1 RTC = 0.00036 ETH. All payments will only be accepted at the ETH or BTC.
Pre-sales are conducted from 17 November 2017-17 December 2018 and minimum purchase set at 0.5 ET or 1410 RTC.
ICO held on December 17, 2017 and will last until January 31, 2018. The soft cap is $500,000 USD. Sales volume target for the token is 500 million. Out of this:
200 million will be available for sale the token.
75 million of the bonus provided for ICO.
150 million reserved for team RealtyCoin.
75 million reserved for early adopters in pre-sales.
It is divided into two parts: the acquisition of the property and sell it. The property will be acquired with money obtained from investors through the ICO. The property will be sold for a higher price and a yield of 10% will be distributed to investors as dividends. With the passing of this process, the price of the RTC is going up.

For More Information Please Visit:Website | Whitepaper | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube | ANN Thread | Telegram

published by: Kontolq_Abo
My ETH: 0xb7742Bb562b6acf9FAfAFFf3368D37972F671959

Minggu, 25 Februari 2018


Zapit :The Only BLOCKCHAIN VERIFIED Product 

Reviews Platform
Hello good evening, this time in this article I will discuss about ZAPIT, the first product Review Platform Verified Blockchain. Description there are more details below :


The Only Blockchain Verified Product Reviews Platform.
Zapit Is The Need Which Adds Trust Between Amazon Sellers, Consumers & Product Evaluators.
Consumers Are Tired Of Fake Positive Reviews While Amazon Sellers Are Frustrated With Negative Review Campaigns From Competitors. Product Evaluators Need To Get Paid For Their Time. How Can This Problem Be Solved While Creating A Win-Win For Everyone?
With Zapit, Amazon Sellers Can Add Their Amazon Affiliate Link To Start Earning Additional 4 To 8% In Profits. Consumers Are Compensated To Write Reviews. Blockchain Review Moderators Earn Tokens & Add Credibility To Their Portfolio.
HOW DOES ZAPIT WORK Zapit’s blockchain-verified product review platform can be accessed in two different ways:
  1. Zapit Website
  2. Zapit Browser Plug-ins


Zapit Website is essentially an online platform wherein all the reviews that moderators approve will be published. This will be accessible by all the users who are looking for genuine reviews on the product that they are interested in buying. For sellers, this portal will act as a means of advertising their product to users from across the world. Since Zapit produces verified reviews, the credibility of their product increases and thus consumers are more likely to go with a product which has verified reviews.


Zapit Browser Plug-ins will be accessible by those users who want to get legitimate reviews at hand while they are searching for products online on Amazon. Customers will be able to view all reviews for the product that they are currently viewing on Amazon with the help of the Zapit Brower Plug-in. In addition to this, Zapit will also give provisions to consumers so that they are able to submit a review on Zapit through the plug-in. If the review that they submit gets accepted, they earn Zapit Tokens.


Zapit is a platform that provides legitimate user-generated reviews. While we discussed a lot of benefits that various entities get by using this platform, it is essential to summarize them all together to get a comprehensive overview of how the platform aims at creating a community where contributions are valued.
  1. Consumers: Consumers get genuine reviews and as a result they will be able to make better purchase decisions.
  2. Sellers: Zapit provides legitimate product reviews to sellers for the products that they decide to list and thus establish trust between the seller and the consumer. Sellers will also be able to link their Amazon Affiliate ID with us to earn extra profit on the sales of the products linked with Zapit.
  3. Product Evaluators: Product Evaluators will become a part of the blockchainverified product reviews committee without having to invest monetarily. They will earn Zapit Tokens when their reviews are published on Zapit.
  4. Review Moderators: Moderators will be able to earn Zapit Tokens for every valuable contribution they make to the platform.

For More Information Please Visit: 

published by: Kontolq_Abo
My ETH: 0xb7742Bb562b6acf9FAfAFFf3368D37972F671959

Jumat, 23 Februari 2018


The Gilgamesh Platform — completely new and unique knowledge-sharing social network

What is Gilgamesh Platform?
At its core, Gilgamesh is a self-governing, knowledge-sharing social network platform powered by Ethereum smart contracts, IPFS and blockchain technology to create a secure, fair, and engaging ecosystem that connects readers, critics, authors, and self-publishing service providers to influence the book industry and remove the role of publishers as the middleman between the flow of knowledge from authors to readers.
What problem does the Gilgamesh Platform solve?
There is a gap in the market for a cohesive knowledge-sharing platform that enables book readers and authors to connect and engage with one another. The Gilgamesh Platform will enable readers to not only socialize and explore, but also to find, review, and purchase books. It simplifies the process of sharing and gaining knowledge.
Authors benefit from a relationship with their readers by gaining constructive feedback while simultaneously encouraging a discourse and cultivating a love of learning.
Service providers need advertisement space that reach authors so they can make self-publishing an affordable, reliable form of publication.
Publishers limit the interactions between readers, authors, critics, and self-publishing service providers. The Gilgamesh Platform removes the communication barriers established by eliminating the publisher as a middleman. As a result, the platform gives readers, critics, and authors an opportunity to control the book market. 
Authors can break free of a monopolizing business partner (publishers) and gain full control of their work.
Why they use blockchain technologies?
For decades authors had to work with their business partners (publishers) to publish and distribute books. Publishers are nothing more than a middleman that overcomplicates the process, infringes on authors’ rights, and takes advantage of the power they hold in the market.
A “standard” book contract does the following:
Gives the publisher the right to the manuscript, whether published or not.
Publishers can negotiate discounts on the cover price without the approval of the author, but the author’s royalty will be cut
Publisher can settle lawsuits on behalf of the author but often charge the author for the settlement fee.
It is time to solve this problem and help authors to take full ownership of their work. IPFS is peer to peer hypermedia protocol and a cryptographic hash that will be used to store critical information such as book files and user information, IPFS is a great match for blockchain based software, we can store large amount of data with IPFS and insert immutable IPFS link into the blockchain transactions or smart contract, this can secure and timestamp our content without having to put the data on the blockchain.
Ethereum smart contract will be used to create ERC20 standard token, GIL token allows holders to stake their tokens to vote on new features or changes to the platform.
Ethereum smart contracts, IPFS, and blockchain technologies creates a transparent, censorship-free and secure ecosystem for the book market.

Gilgamesh Token Sale is already opened to the public from Jan 15th, 2018 4:00 PM (16:00) UTC and will run for 10 weeks until March 26th, 2018 4:00 PM (16:00) UTC
Note: the above dates are all approximates since the time will be calculated through block numbers on the Ethereum blockchain.

Prepare for the Token Sale by doing the following:
1. Visit Gilgamesh Platform Official Website and signup to their newsletter.
2. Visit Gilgamesh Platform Official Website and register
3. Open your mailbox and verify your email address 
(in case you don’t see it — please check your spam folder)

Token Distribution Details
1. Total tokens for sale: 60,000,000 GIL Tokens
2. Start block: will be announced a day before the token sale
3. End block: will be announced a day before the token sale
4. Estimated start date: Jan 15th, 2018 4:00 PM (16:00) UTC
5. Estimated end date: March 26th, 2018 4:00 PM (16:00) UTC
6. Duration: 70 Days — 10 Weeks
7. Token exchange rate: will be announced a day before the token sale
8. Hard cap: Approximate $60M
9. Total tokens for sale: 60 Million GIL Tokens
10. Minimum transaction amount: 0.1 ETH
11. Accepted currencies: Only ETH
12. Github Link:
13. Token Type: ERC20 Standard
14. Soft Cap: To be Announced

Participants who purchase GIL tokens in the first weeks receive additional 27% bonus tokens 
Week 1: 27% additional
Week 2: 24% additional
Week 3: 21% additional
Week 4: 18% additional
Week 5: 15% additional
Week 6: 12% additional
Week 7: 9% additional
Week 8: 6% additional
Week 9: 3% additional
Week 10: No Bonus

When will Token Sale End?
The token sale will end when either one of the following occurs:
1- 60 Million GIL tokens have been minted and sold to token purchasers.
2- Hard Cap has been reached. Approximately $60M
3- 70 days has been passed.

KYC — Know Your Customer
KYC is the process of a business identifying and verifying the identity of its clients.
During the Token Sale, All Token Purchasers are required to fill the KYC form and accept the token purchase agreement.
Restricted Countries
Citizens of China, South Korea or countries and territories where transactions in respect of, or with use of, digital tokens fall under the restrictive regulations are not allowed to participate on Gilgamesh Platform Token Sale, more info will be announced soon.
Legal Considerations
GIL Tokens are non-refundable utility tokens on the Gilgamesh Platform. The GIL Token is not guaranteed to hold any inherent or future value. GIL token holders do not represent any value or position in Skiral, Inc. company. GIL tokens are not securities and there is no promise whatsoever that GIL token will hold any particular value. GIL tokens should not be used for investment purposes.
The Gilgamesh Platform Roadmap you can see below:


My ETH: 0xb7742Bb562b6acf9FAfAFFf3368D37972F671959